Trial An圜onnect Apex (ASA) licenses are available for administrators at An圜onnect for iOS requires Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance (ASA) Boot image 8.0(4) or later. An圜onnect may never be used with non-Cisco servers. Use is no longer permitted for older Essentials/Premium with Mobile licensing. You must have an active An圜onnect Plus, Apex or VPN Only term/contract to utilize this software.


Please report any questions to consult with your EMM/MDM vendor on configuration changes required to configure this new version if you are not setting it up manually. It is up to the individual organization to weigh the risks of disabling this functionality and the benefits of allowing An圜onnect and ZPA to run simultaneously on MacOS.This is the Cisco Secure Client (including An圜onnect VPN) application for Apple iOS. The setting is global and will allow any application to modify the routing table. If the organization was relying on this configuration to protect the route table, there is no method to restrict route table changes to just ZCC or the routes ZCC requires for ZPA to operate. There are implications to change this configuration from disable to enable. The configuration “anyconnect routing-filtering-ignore disable” can be set to “anyconnect routing-filtering-ignore enable” and that will cause An圜onnect to ignore any changes made to the routing table. As a result, ZCC is unable to communicate with and ZCC will display a “FW/AV error” message. Even if the route is added after An圜onnect is connected, it will be removed. Since ZCC injects the route into the routing table, An圜onnect continually removes this route, in its default configuration. This feature is intended to maintain the integrity of the routing table and minimize any incompatibilities with the An圜onnect client. The command “anyconnect routing-filtering-ignore” is under-documented, but its role is to remove any routes in the routing table which were not explicitly created by An圜onnect.